Marti Manyalich

President of the DTI Foundation (Donation & Transplantation Institute)

Marti Manyalich, MD, PhD, is a globally recognized specialist with decades of experience in the field of organ, tissue, and cell donation for transplantation. He is the founder of Transplant Procurement Management (TPM) program dedicated to empowering health professionals in donation and transplantation worldwide and President of the DTI Foundation (Donation & Transplantation Institute) a non-profit organization based in Barcelona with the aim to raise organ donation in the world to improve society’s quality of life by training health professionals in organ donation & transplantation, trough cooperation projects and consultancy. Marti Manyalich is also former Assessor on Transplantation at the Hospital Clinic de Barcelona, as well as professor of international Master in donation & Transplantation of organ tissues and cells at University of Barcelona. He has written many scientific publications and holds memberships in the most relevant international organizations in this field. As an example, he has been president of ISODP & ETCO, vice president of EATB and TTS European Councillor, honorary member of ESOT, among other positions and recognitions.

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