Current ativities
- Co-founder and Vice President of Conselho Português para a Saúde e Ambiente
- Member of Conselho Nacional de Ética para Ciências da Vida
- Full Member of Academia das Ciências
- Promoting in Portugal, from 2012, the need of knowledge of the environmental impact of health care, publishing many papers, scientific and public difusion,
- Author of the book “Impacto ambiental dos Cuidados de saúde: uma verdade incómoda”, and co-author of the chapter “Economia Circular e One Health” of the book in print “One Health”.
More significant distinctions
- Grande Oficial da Ordem de Santiago da Espada, e da Ordem do Infante
- Prémio Nacional Saúde
More significant past professional experience
- General Surgery and Cardiothracic Surgery (retired),
- Fellow na Universidade Portland ORE,
- Senior Resident of Children´s Hospital, Harvard Med School ,
- Full professor of UCP and UNL
- President of the Board of Hospital de Santa Cruz
- Director of Cardiac Surgery, Hospital Santa Cruz
- Founder and President of Instituto do Coração and of Centro de Criobiologia Cardiovascular
- Boherhaave Professor at Leiden University
- Visiting Professor at San Raffaele Hospital, Milano