Slide Background
Global Strategy on Health
Environment and Climate Change

A comprehensive global strategy that encompasses wellbeing, environmental protection, and environmental degradation demands a diverse approach to address the interconnected issues confronting our planet. This must emphasize environmental safeguarding, fairness, and toughness to foster a healthier planet for present and future generations. 

We need to understand how health, the environment, and climate change are connected. Environmental degradation contributes to the escalation of health concerns, while climate change poses a threat to both. To mitigate the burden of diseases attributed to environmental factors preventive healthcare measures are essential, as is improving the strength and resiliency of healthcare networks in the face of climate-driven health issues.

It is imperative to adopt and enforce environmentally friendly practices to safeguard species diversity and ecosystems and minimize harm. Sustainable power, energy conservation and minimizing the emission of greenhouse gases are all imperative. We need to work together internationally to solve common problems, on research, sharing good ideas and making rules that go beyond our own countries. 

We need a coordinated strategy on global health, addressing environmental and climate issues collectively that deploys innovative technology to monitor environmental change, predict health impacts, and develop sustainable solutions. We must make sure that the benefits of environmental and health interventions are spread out equally. We must address the social factors that impact health, such as poverty and inequality, to establish a just and equitable society that is resilient to the effects of climate change. 

It is imperative to raise public awareness regarding the interconnectedness of health, the environment, and climate change, establishing a global culture of responsibility and sustainability through education, information dissemination, and community engagement. Health, environment, and climate considerations must be incorporated into all relevant policy- and decision-making processes. 

To generate synergies for comprehensive solutions, we must encourage cross-sectoral collaboration at the national and international levels, establishing robust evaluation and monitoring procedures to track progress and modify tactics as needed. Data-driven insights can be used to improve the effectiveness of interventions and adapt to emerging challenges. Working together, we can achieve a world where the health of people and planet are coordinated priorities.

In this meeting, we will talk about how to live in a future that is good for the environment and able to adapt.

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