Born in Terceira Island, Azores, Portugal, he studied medicine at the University of Coimbra and graduated in 1994. He is currently an Intensive care medicine consultant, Organ Donation Coordinator, and uDCD program coordinator at ULS Coimbra-Hospitais da Universidade de Coimbra. Former member of the National Committee responsible for the monitoring of the Portuguese DCD program. He has worked with the DTI Foundation as a Consultant for the United Arab Emirates Organ Donation Program and has been a faculty member in several TPM Courses. Regular collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Prevention of the United Arab Emirates by auditing donor hospitals. Member of the TAIEX FPI Expert Mission on National policy development on live donor and deceased organ donation and transplantation for Barbados. Member of the workgroup responsible for developing ECLS techniques at Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra.
Eduardo Sousa
Organ Donation Coordinator, and uDCD program coordinator at ULS Coimbra-Hospitais