Bernd Rosenbichler

Founder of non-profit organization “Branewo gUG” (Brave New World)

Founder of non-profit organization “Branewo gUG” (Brave New World), that is responsible for the Alström Initiative (; Founder of the patient organization “Alström Syndrom e.V.”, currently over 100 members (; Founder of Ben’s Art – a initiative that shows encouraging and positive the life and capabilities of a young man with a rare disease. (; Global Patient Advisor for Pfizer; Advisor for initiatives like “Data Saves Lives” and “LOUDRARE” (big media campaign to fight disparity with regards to rare diseases); Initiator of a petition for the integration of genetic testing into the newborn screening; Board member of Alström Europe (ASEU); Steering Committee Member of ENDO-ERN; Until 2021: 25 years in automotive industry with Ford, Audi and BMW. 15 years of which in Top-Management.

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